Day Headlines in Economy News: 2025-02-13
Some mortgage rates cut below 4% as competition picks up (BBC Economy 2025-02-13 15:02:03)
It's the first time mortgage deals with rates below 4% have been available since November. -
UK signals it will seek US steel tariff exemption (BBC Economy 2025-02-13 13:58:58)
Business secretary Jonathan Reynolds says the government has a strong case to avoid tariffs on UK-made steel entering the US. -
Will Keir Starmer be able to meet his pledges? (BBC Economy 2025-02-13 10:46:04)
Keir Starmer is going to announce measurable targets to judge his government's progress on its key missions. -
Surprise growth in UK economy at end of 2024 (BBC Economy 2025-02-13 10:35:40)
The economy expanded by 0.1% between October and December, official figures suggest. -
How fast is the UK's economy growing? (BBC Economy 2025-02-13 09:49:59)
How the health of the UK economy is measured, and why the GDP calculation matters.